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Ditz の Mercurial プラグイン - ursmの日記

例によって Mercurial のはないみたいだったので、Git のものをちょちょいと手直しして作ってみました。

これまたgit.rbからパクっただけですが... --- mercurial.rb.orig   2008-11-10 12:30:03.015625000 +0900
+++ mercurial.rb    2008-11-10 12:30:04.921875000 +0900
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 module Ditz
   class Issue
+    field :hg_branch, :ask => false
     def hg_commits
       return @hg_commits if @hg_commits
       output = `hg log --template '{date|rfc822date}\t{author}\t{node|short}\t{desc|firstline}\n' #{pathname}`
@@ -45,5 +46,51 @@
+  class Operator
+    operation :set_branch, "Set the hg feature branch of an issue", :issue, :maybe_string
+    def set_branch project, config, issue, maybe_string
+      puts "Issue #{issue.name} currently " + if issue.hg_branch
+        "assigned to hg branch #{issue.hg_branch.inspect}."
+      else
+        "not assigned to any hg branch."
+      branch = maybe_string || ask("Mercurial feature branch name:")
+      return unless branch
+      if branch == issue.hg_branch
+        raise Error, "issue #{issue.name} already assigned to branch #{issue.hg_branch.inspect}"
+      end
+      puts "Assigning to branch #{branch.inspect}."
+      issue.hg_branch = branch
+    end
+    operation :commit, "Runs hg-commit and auto-fills the issue name in the commit message", :issue do
+      opt :all, "commit all changed files", :short => "-a", :default => false
+      opt :verbose, "show diff between HEAD and what would be committed", \
+        :short => "-v", :default => false
+      opt :message, "Use the given <s> as the commit message.", \
+        :short => "-m", :type => :string
+    end
+    def commit project, config, opts, issue
+      args = {
+        :verbose => "--verbose",
+        :all => "--all",
+      }.map { |k, v| opts[k] ? v : "" }.join(" ")
+      comment = "# #{issue.name}: #{issue.title}"
+      tag = "Ditz-issue: #{issue.id}"
+      message = if opts[:message]
+        "#{opts[:message]}\n\n#{tag}"
+      else
+        "#{comment}\n#{tag}"
+      end
+      message = message.gsub("\"", "\\\"")
+      exec "hg commit #{args} --message=\"#{message}\""
+    end
+  end
# cd /path/to/my/repos/example
# ditz init
# echo '- mercurial' >> .ditz-plugins
# cat > .ditz-config
--- !ditz.rubyforge.org,2008-03-06/config
mercurial_commit_url_prefix: .
# ditz reconfigure
# ditz add
Title: 'foo' is not found in README.
Description (ctrl-d, ., or /stop to stop, /edit to edit, /reset to reset):
> need to add 'foo'
> .
Is this a (b)ugfix, a (f)eature, or a (t)ask? t
Issue creator (enter for "mattn <mattn.jp@gmail.com>"):
Comments (ctrl-d, ., or /stop to stop, /edit to edit, /reset to reset):
> .
Added issue example-1.
You may have to inform your SCM that the following files have been added:

# echo 'foo' >> README
# ditz close example-1
Closing issue example-1: 'foo' is not found in README..
Choose a disposition:
  1) fixed
  2) won't fix
  3) reorganized
Disposition (1--3): 1
Comments (ctrl-d, ., or /stop to stop, /edit to edit, /reset to reset):
> added 'foo'
> .
Closed issue test2-2 with disposition fixed.
You may have to inform your SCM that the following files have been modified:

# ditz commit
# hg log
changeset:   6:720dc3bf4ef9
tag:         tip
user:        mattn <mattn.jp@gmail.com>
date:        Mon Nov 10 12:43:21 2008 +0900
summary:     # example-1: 'foo' is not found in README.

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